Let's get your computer set up for data science with Jupyter notebooks in Python, R, and Julia without installing any of that, and without using the command line.

1. Install Docker 🐳

Docker is a tool for downloading lightweight virtual machines called "containers" and running them in the background. We will use it to import all the data science tools in a container, to avoid installing them on your machine.

Install the Docker Desktop app using the instructions on its website. ➡️

Empowering App Development for Developers | Docker

2. Install Visual Studio Code 👩🏽‍💻

VS Code is an extremely popular coding editor and it integrates well with Docker.

Install VS Code using the instructions on its website. ➡️

Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined

3. Connect those two apps ⛓️


4. Open a project 📂

The first time you open a project takes a few steps:



Every later time you open that project will be shorter:

VS Code stored the choices you made above in a .devcontainer folder inside your project.

Next time you open the same folder, it asks if you want to use the same container. Say yes.