Discover how you can add dishes to your menu and your restaurant, and understand how allergen and preference auto-detection works in Dishes.

Adding a Dish

Dishes can be added to a menu or your dish inventory. Dishes require:

If the price is set to 0, then the price will not be shown to your customers.

The description is optional but is limited to 255 characters. When entering dish ingredients, our system will begin to detect the allergens and preferences of the dish.

On the dishes page at, click Add Dish. When you finished, click Save dishes.

Adding Multiple Dishes

You can add multiple dishes at When you add a dish, you add the following dish by clicking on Add another. To remove a dish, you can click on the trash icon on the top right of each dish. All the dishes must follow the dish requirements before they can be saved.

Adding an Ingredient to a Dish

When you add an ingredient to a dish, it will automatically detect the allergens and dietary preferences of the dish. Other preferences, like Kosher, will need to be set by you as it depends on your kitchen environment. For consistency with the customer, allergens and preferences detected cannot be changed by you.

To add an ingredient, click on the ingredient drop-down menu and begin searching for your ingredient. Click on the ingredient to add it to your dish. Under the dropdown, you will see your new ingredient added.

Removing an Ingredient from a Dish

To remove an ingredient, click on the X icon to the right of the ingredient.

Editing a Dish

Modifying a dish can be done in a menu section or dish inventory. Click on the dish to begin editing the information. The new dish information will be updated for all instances of the dish.

Deleting a Dish