Use the discussions tool to have conversations with your clients about your profile.

<aside> 💡 The discussion you have with each client is private between users of your organisation and users of the client organisation. Nobody else will be able to see that discussion.


Clients can start discussions with you if they have a question about any of the controls that you have answered, if they need more information, or more supporting evidence. You can start a discussion with clients if you would like to provide more context on a control or ask a question to avoid doing this via email and having it all in one place.

<aside> 💡 Discussions Tip: As your profile is answered at an organisational level, starting a discussion is a great way to provide further information for a specific client and/or go into more detail about your answer. For example, if some controls are dependent on the contract you have in place with a client, this is where you can explain this.


Starting a discussion with your client about a control

If you would like to give a specific client more information about a control then you can do this by going to Clients > Client Name > Assessment and finding the relevant control. You will see the option to leave a comment, which can be viewed by all users on your Risk Ledger account and all users on your client's Risk Ledger account. Your client will can reply directly to you on that control to help you keep track of this discussion.

Starting a general discussion with your client

If you need to start a general discussion with your clients, you can do this by going to Clients > Client Name > Discussions > Start new discussion.

Active discussions