Discord is one of the best platforms in the NFT space and for World of Women! It’s where our community gathers, a place to meet new friends, it’s a fantastic resource for educating yourself, and a great way to stay updated on the latest news and announcements. However, there are some who will try to take advantage of you as you explore the Worlds of Women and beyond, so here are some tips for staying safe on Discord!

Watch Out For...

Watch out for links from people you don’t know. People can create URLs that look very similar to real websites, but change just a few letters so that it looks almost the same. Make sure that you check every letter in a URL before you click on it, and it’s probably best to avoid it altogether if you can.

Watch out for unsolicited direct messages. You likely have received direct messages from someone you don’t know, wanting you to join a server or get involved in a new project. Don’t engage with these messages. It is best to block them and move on.

Watch out for anyone asking for any passwords of any kind. Never give out your discord password, and NEVER give out your password to your crypto wallet.

<aside> 💡 Here are some additional resources from Discord on spamming and hacking: https://discord.com/safety/360044104071-Tips-against-spam-and-hacking


How to Scam-Proof your account

Here are some steps you can take to stay safe. There is a link at the end with more detailed instructions on navigating your account

  1. Enable two-factor authentication in your settings. It may be annoying to have that extra step whenever you log in to Discord, but it helps keep your account in your hands.
  2. Set up Safe Direct Messaging. Go to your privacy and safety settings, and you can allow discord to scan messages for explicit content. You can disable scanning, scan only from people who aren’t friends, or scan from everyone.
  3. Disable messaging from server members. This will stop a lot of the spam you receive, however, it only allows messaging from people who are your friends. If you want to talk to anyone who isn’t a friend on discord, then don’t disable this.
  4. Do research outside of Discord. One of the best ways to avoid scams is to use discord to get exposure to new projects and tools, and then to do a quick keyword search on Google to see what comes up. Based on the results, you should be able to tell whether it is a legitimate project or not.

<aside> 💡 Review Common Scams for more information


Thanks to Jaquosh for writing this article!