
Most of the advice here can be summarized to moderate total caloric intake (i.e. quantity) and don’t consume refined, artificial, or highly processed foods (i.e. quality). Obesity is a driver of type two diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease. It’s best to do everything you can to avoid it.

There are two vocal nutritional camps online: those that argue quantity (i.e. calories) matters above all else and those that argue quality (i.e. insulin spiking foods) matters above all else. However, these viewpoints aren’t mutually exclusive and it’s evident that both quantity and quality matter — it’s important to optimize for each.

Food is deeply intertwined with all aspects of society (culture, environment, religion, etc). Even among scientists, optimal nutrition is hotly contested — high quality nutrition studies are notoriously difficult to conduct (i.e. self reported data), can conflate correlation and causation (i.e. observational studies) and, at times, are biased (i.e. food industry funded research). Moreover, the number of cells in the human microbiome exceeds the number of cells in the human body — as a result, two people can have very different metabolic responses to the same food!

For all of these reasons and more, it’s important to find the diet that works best for you.

How Much To Eat

What Not To Eat

What To Drink