During the development cycle, dev teams are trying to build the ideas that were shaped during the Shaping - template and picked on the Betting table - template meeting. The ultimate goal here is to ship into production the assigned idea, within the 6-weeks.


This is one of the main parts of the shaping process, the development cycle. During the development cycle, dev teams are trying to build the ideas that were shaped during the Shaping - template and picked on the Betting table - template meeting. The ultimate goal here is to ship into production the assigned idea, within the 6-weeks.

Development cycle takes place every 8-weeks after the 2-week Cool-down - template and it's 6-weeks long.

<aside> ❗ Under some rare circumstances, it can be extended to 8 weeks, learn more in the FAQ section.


How we do it

  1. We pick shaped ideas at the Betting table - template meeting and assign responsible teams.
  2. The actual development cycle takes six weeks during which we must ship the assigned shaped idea. The ultimate goal is the shipping of the feature, it doesn't have to be perfect, but it has to be something worth the time, more on this topic further in the document.
  3. The developments cycle ends with the successful shipping into production, that's also when the Cool-down - template phase begins.

Read more in the Principles section in which all phases are explained in fine detail.
