1. Create a branch off of master

Give the branch some name. The name's not very important, since the branch will not live for long.

2. Write your tests & your code

Write your code, following Engineering Guidelines and Definition of Done.

Consider Peer Reviews and Commit Messages.

3. Create a pull request on Github

<aside> 💡 Before creating a pull request, rebase your code onto the latest master branch, to ensure your code is up-to-date and avoid conflicts.


Make sure your peers understand why the change is needed and what it is meant to accomplish.

See Peer Reviews for guidelines.

Google Cloud Build will automatically build, lint, test and update the Pull Request once it's done.

4. Submit for review

Assign the PR to an appropriate colleague. If needed, ping them and provide some background information.

Reviews should be done as quickly as possible, but always have respect for your colleagues' time and existing commitments to other tasks. Find another reviewer if needed.

5. Approval & Merge

Once the PR has been approved, it should be merged immediately. If you're the reviewer, merge the branch (unless explicitly asked not to by the author).

6. Deployment

Deployment is automatically triggered upon merge.

Deployment status is published to #ops-cloud-build on Slack.

7. Verification