Most innovations come to life as technological capabilities, long before materializing into user-facing value. The internet and smartphone were distant tools only techies could interact with before designers shapeshifting its applications and taking it to the masses. We're at a similar infliction point now with AI/ML.

A great introductory post underlining this call for a design (r)evolution:

It's Time for a Design Evolution in Machine Learning

If this is too text-heavy, jump to:

Videos on AI x Design

For a full library of resources:

You might've heard of AI creating art, diagnosing cancer, composing playlists, and driving cars. AI and Machine Learning will soon intersect with any and every discipline.

In short, the role of designers & AI may include:

AI and the future of UX by UX Collective - This subsection focuses on AI from a UX perspective and just glancing over the page will surely spark your interest.

An intro to Machine Learning for designers - UX Collective

AI and the future of UX - UX Collective

AI-driven Design by Joel van Bodegraven - A series of e-books aiming to make this nascent field of AI design appealing in format and accessible to all.

AI-driven Design: AI will undeniably shape the user experiences of tomorrow