Design your page to fit your film’s style and theme.

Film Thumbnail

A compelling thumbnail is one of your most powerful assets in attracting interested viewers. Your thumbnail serves a purpose similar to your film poster more so than a still from your film. In selecting a thumbnail, consider the following…

What makes a great thumbnail

Formatting guidelines

✅ Minimum Size: 1920 x 1080 pixels, 16:9 horizontal orientation

✅ Include Film Title. Be sure it is visible at a small size. See template for safe area.

❌ No laurels or other graphic overlays

❌ No additional text such as names, taglines, or quotes (ex. “A film by Jane Doe”)

❌ No letterboxing or black bars


❌ No laurels or credits on a thumbnail image


❌ No letterboxing or black bars


❌ Wrong aspect ratio
