Dependency Management differs based on the operating system and language, but the main concept remains the same.

[A Dependency Tree showing a conflicting version between slf4j-api 1.6.6 and 1.7.5. Image from](

A Dependency Tree showing a conflicting version between slf4j-api 1.6.6 and 1.7.5. Image from

Issues can arise when conflicts occur, such as the one in the tree above. In these cases, a human usually has to manually intervene and solve the conflict manually. Dependency managers can help resolve this by providing good ‣, helping the developer solve the issue themselves. They can also work in a way that does not fall prey to the Naive Dependency Management problem.

Operating System Options

Homebrew provides a decent cross-platform experience. However, all of these package managers, with the exception of Nix, fall prey to the Naive Dependency Management problem. In your developer environment, you will likely automate dependencies and probably via homebrew, apt-get, or dpkg. An optimization in the future may be to handle version incompatibilities better.

Language Level Solutions