
Your Portfolio represents slices of your work and experience. It’s an important document of your focus areas and growth. Please choose 1 or 2 examples of your work that fit the role you are applying for. It need not be an exact match, but try and tell a story around your experience and your skills.

Portfolio Presentation for Onsite - Setup (60 minutes)

At the outset of the Interview Loop, the you will present your work to the interviewing team. This could mean an audience of around 4-6 people over Zoom. This is a more formal presentation, but please choose the format that best suits your storytelling style — pdf, Figma file, slides are all good to us.

Candidate Instructions

You will have a 60 minute time slot to present your portfolio to people who will interview you throughout the loop. Along with 1 or 2 case studies that show your work and professional development, also make sure to share a little about your background and how you think about and approach design.

Along with a demonstration of your hard skills (visual design, interaction design, copywriting, etc.), we seek to understand your mindset and how you approach tackling design challenges, including:

<aside> 📖 Plan on about 45 minutes of presentation, and then 15 minutes for discussion afterward.


This portfolio review template was adapted from Peter Merholz