Have you ever tried to define a "Happiness Score" for yourself?

How happy are you - on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the absolute pinnacle of happiness.

It is worthwhile to do this exercise one day, as something very interesting happens in the mind when you do it.

We intituitvely assign a score of 10/10 to ourselves; then we substract all the problems in our lives from it. We arrive at a final number.

For eg,

Step 1: 10/10

Step 2: My relationsips aren't that great -1 = 9/10

Step 3: My job..bleh -1.5 = 7.5/10

So on...

We are hardwired to not identify our life's problems when we sit down with a pen and paper. Doing this, is a very easy and honest way to solve this problem, in a non judgemental way.

Pay special attention to the values you deduct, rank order them.

You have a blueprint to work on.