<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/35f00371-b223-4014-b462-36842d2f10f3/prideBrain.txt" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/35f00371-b223-4014-b462-36842d2f10f3/prideBrain.txt" width="40px" /> A concise page description goes at the very top in a “callout”. 🔍 This is a template page. Go to Operations and request a forked copy if you don’t have access to duplicate this page and copy it yourself. ⛔ 🧠 Note: use shift+enter to add more lines within a callout box.


🧠 Additional instructions can go in a sub-heading below the main page description.

🧠 For example: the content I temporarily had on this page has been merged into the Crypto Sapiens Notion Access Info.

🌱 - Section #1

✔️ Item #1 is marked as done.

⭕ Item #2 is in progress.

❌ Item #3 has been cancelled.

🌈 - Section #2

🚨 Section sub-headings can be labeled with emojis.

⌛ Item #4 is on a separate list. Looks urgent.

💤 - The Last Section Is Always An Archive