New features, the Polygloss team is growing, podcast and more!

Same news but in Portuguese:

Novidades de Dezembro no Polygloss

New features and fixes!

πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ Word suggestions added for Spanish, French and German

πŸ“– Dictionary definition with examples for word suggestions

πŸ”“ New screen after match will show when a new lesson is unlocked

πŸ– Better form to give correction: more space to write and button to copy text

🐞 Fixed bug when sliding and dismissing next match

🐞 Improved issue with duplicate matches

🐞 Improved issue with duplicate usernames

🐞 Fixed lesson type being drawn even if it hasn't been unlocked by player yet

🐞 Fixed issue finding partner on Play tab

🐞 Disabled auto correct in more writing fields

Coming next

πŸ”€ Word suggestions for more languages: Portuguese and Italian

<small break to work on other features, before adding more languages to word suggestions (Dutch, Greek, Russian, Welsh, Irish, Korean, Norwegian, Indonesian, Swedish, Arabic and more! )>