Executive Summary

I don't believe the contract to have any vulnerability

Governance roles need to be re-checked, especially in wrapper (already discussed on discord)

Note that wrapper contract will not be able to retrieve any fund sent to it (although it's upgradable so fixes could be applied at later time)

Bounty URL


Economic Analysis

The mStable Vault Strategy aims to invest LP Tokens** which will generate MTA rewards.

MTArewards are periodically harvested and then swapped into lpComponent which are then swapped into more "lp" assets.

Yield is earned in the mStable asset and is then swapped to the want which is then re-invested generating compounding yield which is compounded on a per-harvest call basis.

Given the premises the yield of the Strategy will be consistent with the yield of the mStable rewards that will be given for these vaults

Lifetime Stats for the vault can be tracked here: https://app.mstable.org/#/mbtc/stats

**LP Tokens confirmed to be:

$imBTC 0x17d8CBB6Bce8cEE970a4027d1198F6700A7a6c24
