Outline (v2)

Book: Lone Wolf


Ok, so today is another day. As per usual, am doing my writing warm-up here to get the juices flowing. I just remembered that I have Pomodoro app called Pomello. Worth checking out if you use Trello or simply want a desktop app for timing your efforts. Going to add this to . Finding myself getting a distracted a bit by going to the Pomello site, trying to update my socials about this 30 day challenge, etc. But no worry, just got to keep writing for about a minute until I get everything out. Today's writing topic was a bit different to what I expected. Realized that it might actually be better to re-write the focus as a blog title. Helps me think a bit more structurally. This way can then stitch together the "blog posts" into one larger book (probably through the use of a professional editor). Ok, ready to write now.

How to get back on track if you're a lone-wolf entrepreneur or professional

Over the years, we have developed a straight-forward way to help people get back on track as lone-wolf entrepreneur or professionals:

  1. Acknowledge your position
    1. Identifying where you're at
    2. What is Lone Wolf Syndrome (LWS)?
    3. The Lone Wolf - What is a "lone wolf"?
  2. Set new intentions and goals
    1. Getting back on track through renewed goals
    2. The problem with traditional goal-setting
    3. Heart-centred
    4. Head-centred
  3. Take action
    1. Establish a productive routine (daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly)
    2. "Work out loud"
    3. Find an accountability buddy
    4. Build a productive team
    5. Join a productive community
  4. Reflect and adjust

In this book, you will disover that a lot of what we're sharing has to do with becoming more productive.

Although there are many challenges that come with being a lone wolf in modern society, there are of course also benefits. And so it is our aim to help you know what the pros and cons are, what to do if you do find yourself in this position, and remembering that wolves are pack-oriented by nature.