Day 26-Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet

  1. Day 26 Goals: what you will make by the end of the day

  2. How to Create Lists using List Comprehension

  3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Squaring Numbers

  4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Filtering Even Numbers

  5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Overlap

  6. Apply List Comprehension to the U.S. States Game

  7. How to use Dictionary Comprehension

  8. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary Comprehension 1

  9. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary Comprehension 2

  10. How to Iterate over a Pandas DataFrame

  11. Introducing the NATO Alphabet Project

  12. Solution & Walkthrough for the NATO Alphabet Project


  1. 程式介面中的Console / Terminal 通常是一個什麼樣的概念 ( 我以為上面寫程式 / 下面的視窗執行output only) 為什麼老師要我們跳到 python console

Day 26-Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet