Data history varies depending on the source.

In general, we try to ensure that you have as much access to historical data as possible (you will only have full access to historical data with our premium subscriptions).

History available

You can view the history available for each series from the series overview by raw material, from the search bar, or from the series information table.




<aside> 💡 You can also select the historical range you wish to download


Display of the history

You can change the display of the history of your dataseries with the yellow wheel at the bottom left of the curve. The graph takes your changes into account instantly.

By default, the display is two years. Depending on the amount of historical data available, you can get a more macro view of trends over time.



<aside> ✅ You haven't subscribed yet? Or would you like to be able to view the full history of our dataseries? Write to us at [email protected]
