On CommoPrices, you can create dashboards to facilitate the monitoring and comparison of your raw materials or the management of your products. Indeed, your dashboards save you time by gathering all your selected raw materials in a single page.

Creation of your dashboards

If you want to create your own dashboard:

  1. Click on "Create a dashboard" from the Analyses tab —>Dashboards
  2. Enter the name of your new dashboards. If you want, you can also add a tag: this will allow you to filter your tables more easily (for example by region, market, team, product, etc.)
  3. Fill in the series that make up your dashboard one by one, then click on Save the changes.

You can then modify it directly from My dashboards, and integrate new series to your existing dashboards directly from the series interface (via the "Add to a dashboard" button; you can then select the corresponding table from the drop-down list)

N.B.: in Dashboards → My Favorites, you will find the dataseries you have saved in your Favorites.

<aside> 💡 Feel free to create several Dashboards. For example, a meat buyer could have a Pork Dashboard and a Poultry Dashboard.


Visualization of your dashboards

You can choose between:
