Every day your student is going to school, or as often as the school has requested, you should go to Today's Screening to fill out the screening information for your students.

Today's Screening

Here, screening questions are presented for each student one at a time to make it easy to understand what student you are attesting for.

  1. First, next to the student's name click Attest.
  2. Then answer about the student's reported tempurature, contact with COVID cases and any symptoms the student may have.
  3. From their, each student will get a red, yellow or green status.
  4. A red status means the school has asked you to keep the studnet home today based on your responses
  5. A yellow status means a school staff member will be in touch to discuss your answers with you in more detail.
  6. A green status means the student is cleared for school today.

Repeat those steps for all of the students you are responsible for - you'll need to finish all of them before you can continue.



Once you've completed all of your students, click Done, and you will be presented with your Arrival Badge.