Managing student arrival flow in Knight Check is easy. All staff members can assist with this flow by logging into their Knight Check account on a computer, tablet, iPad, or smartphone.

There are two ways to ensure a student has a valid attestation for today when the student arrives on campus:

  1. View a valid Arrival Badge marked with today's date on the guardian's device
  2. Confirm the student's attestation details on the Arrivals page for staff.

Confirming with an Arrival Badge

When each parent or guardian has completed the attestations for all of their students, they can click Done to get to an arrival badge.

This badge has several features to help with speedy drop off:

  1. Today's date clearly marked
  2. The number of students screened
  3. Color code for the highest risk of any of the students screened by that guardian
  4. A list of each student's name and their specific arrival status.

Confirming in the Arrivals list

Go to Arrivals under the Staff heading in the menu.

Here you'll see three lists:

  1. "Arrivals" has all students who have been screened by their guardians for today.
  2. "Warnings" has any student who screened yellow for today
  3. "Screened Out" has any student who screened red for today

Each list contains the same capabilities. The Warnings and Screened Out lists are just to help staff focus on Exception Management.


The columns are:

Student Name: This column contains the student's first, last, and preferred name in the form "First (Preferred) Last"

Grade: The student's grade level

Attested By: The name provided by the parent or guardian attesting for that student