🔎 A bit about the company

Daily was a startup focused on delivering mobile apps that could be used every day.

Even though when I started with the company, they were just giving their first steps, you could tell how big they could get by their ambition in serving their products to people use them...daily.

⁉️ Challenge/Business Problem

Create everything from scratch and set a foundation for the upcoming apps

Daily was planning to deliver inspirational apps that would use famous quotes from movies, thinkers, books, etc

The challenge here was to create a framework that could be replicated for different content

👥 Team and Role

Lead Designer

Collaborating with the CEO

🧙‍♂️ The Journey/Approach

Dissecate the anatomy of quotes

The project started by understanding how quotes were built and what was necessary to be in there to make them work.

Of course you're thinking about the name of the person, or the book; the quote itself, but we were going beyond: would it be necessary to have a photo associated with that? Would it be necessary to have a quote symbol to frame the phrase? You got the point, every little detail was taken into consideration