Authors: willblackburn.eth, isiah.eth, doswell.eth, trai.eth


This is the Governance Guild’s Season 1 budget proposal for ongoing work with the guild. The Governance Guild seeks to establish the procedures & tooling for the Developer DAO to govern itself. The Governance Guild will use OKRs to monitor progress on our objectives.

Motivation & Alignment with our Mission, Values, and Goals

To help the Developer DAO govern itself effectively, a number of improvements are still needed. This includes the launch of our governance token, decentralizing out key responsibility (such as treasury multisig holders and proposal champions), and working through delegation discussions. This proposal establishes the roles and, more importantly, the responsibility needed to accomplish these items.

Additionally, roles such as the Governance Steward align well with our Mission, Values, and Goals, as it is essential that our proposal process involves community discussion, feedback, and eventually decision.

The below can be considered as the Scope of Work of the proposal.

Proposed Roles

Below are the proposed roles that members in the Governance Guild will hold during Season 1. All roles outside of the project champions will be chosen via nominations and elections through our governance process. You can follow the nomination process on our tracker below.

Governance Guild Season 1 Nominations & Elections Tracker

There are 6 roles defined in the Governance Guild for Season 1:

Guild Leader


The guild leader helps to set the overall direction of the Governance Guild in alignment with the DAO’s Mission, Values, and Goals. They help lead collaboration with other guild and working groups and are responsible for monitoring & reporting on progress.