Tags and customer notes are a great way to store data about the customer or ticket and are helpful for reporting. After adding Tags and Customer Notes to the ticket, click Save.


Tags are a great way to quickly categorize a ticket and help you run aggregate reports later on. For example, a common type of tag is "bug." Whenever you respond to a request about a bug, you can add the "bug" tag. Then, at the end of the week, run a Summary or Tags report to see how many "bugs" occurred and how much a bug impacted support.

Tags can be associated with all conversations and can even be added when closing a conversation. A single conversation can have one or more tags.

All tags must be created before they can be used.

<aside> 💡 See ‣ settings for the list of available tags or to create new ones.


Customer Notes

Customer Notes are private pieces of information about the customer. If you would like to store information about a customer, such as notes about their behavior or past experiences with this customer, this might be a great place to leave such notes. This information will only be visible to other agents and will never be sent or seen by the customer.

<aside> 💡 Note: While testing, you will often create your own bug and respond to it yourself. However, for privacy reasons, you will not be able to view customer notes about yourself. All references to "Notes and Tags" are replaced with just "Notes"

