
Mom Test Cheatsheet

👨🏽‍🏭 Convo Partners

Who participated in this shitfest?

🪟 Framing the conversation

Ask yourselve/make sure before every Mom Test: How you can frame the conversation so it runs smoothly, that the partner knows what you are going to talk about and why you are having this convo with him.

1️⃣ Main concern/Framing question

What is the overarching concern/question we want to have answered?

3️⃣ Big Questions

What are the big things we want to learn from this customer

Next steps

What are the next steps you want this customer to take (commit or advance)


Notes of the conversation, quote if possible, add emotions with symbols


Review notes and quotes. Make sure you're not just going through the motions and update beliefs and your plan if necessary with the next 3 big questions in mind.