Why use Collections?

All the content your team adds to a workspace is automatically viewable and searchable in the Home tab. However, it’s very common for teams to want to share just some of those assets with a team member or an external collaborator. The Collections section is designed specifically for that.

A YouTube tutorial for collaborating with Collections in tagbox

A YouTube tutorial for collaborating with Collections in tagbox

Creating Collections

You can create a new Collection from the Collections tab, or by selecting a few assets and clicking “Add to Collection”, and then typing the name of the new Collection.

You can also add a description to each Collection.


Collection Automation

Since Collections are our main way to collaborate, we want to make sure it’s easy to create them and keep the up-to-date. Say hello to Collection Automation!

Collection Automation lets you define a tag, or a set of tags, and apply them to a Collection.

Let’s say, for example, we’re running a clothing brand, and organize our clothes by item type (shirts, pants) and color. At some point, we decide to run a sale for “Black Dresses”, and want to share all of our “Black Dresses”.

While creating a new Collection, we can turn on the “Automation” button, and select to include all assets that are tagged “Dress” AND “Black”. You can check “Also add existing assets” to automatically add existing assets that meet the criteria.

While on, Collection Automation will make sure that any newly tagged assets that meet the criteria will be added to the Collection.

You can apply “AND” or “OR” logic to automations.