Mission (What drives us)


Revolutionize the landscape of investment strategies by harnessing the power of AI to provide unprecedented data-driven risk management solutions.

We are loyal and take care of each other. Because we trust each other, we are frank within the company. Outside the company, if someone makes a mistake, we have their back and we all work to rectify it. If someone is unwell, we take on their work.

We fight for equal opportunity and against prejudice and discrimination.

Code of Conduct

Be hungry

How much do you want to work in our company? Or, how much would you care if our company didn’t exist? If the answer is not a lot, then nr2 is not for you. Big success comes with big commitment, and we will ask a lot of you.

Leave your ego at home

You work for this company because we think you rock. So don’t worry about looking stupid. Grow by getting outside your comfort zone. Challenge others and accept challenges.

For one, for all

We come from different countries, backgrounds, and cultures. We don’t judge by appearances, and we value our weirdness. We have different strengths and weaknesses. If someone is lost and asks you where to go, help them. Their problem is your problem.

Own it

Feel free to break things, but know that if you do, it’s on you to fix them. We respect any decision you own, and your commitment to make it right. Think through consequences of plans. Are you traveling next week? What does that mean for projects you are running? Have you told the team and made sure your travel do not impact the company? Owning also means finishing. Don’t stop because you were congratulated. See projects through to the end.

Bend your mind

Bricks make good bookends and paperclips are sometimes a better solution for buttonholes than buttons. For us, despite received tech wisdom, AI hasn’t proved the answer to everything. Don’t believe something until you have challenged it and made up your own mind.

Say no

Make an active decision to prioritise some tasks at the expense of others by asking: will this bring us more users? If the answer is no, re-prioritise.  **

Respect time

Being late to a meeting means you value your own time over the rest of the team’s. That’s imbalanced. Every time you are late by more than 5 minutes, think about putting £1 towards a charity you care about, and telling the team which charity.

Get to the point

You are speaking to the team. Why? What do you want to achieve? How will you structure what you say to be as brief and comprehensible as possible?

Keep the ball rolling

If someone contacts you, reply. If you can’t reply, send a holding note and say when you will be able to reply. Honour the timeline you commit to.

Manage yourself

You can work when you want as long as you reach your objectives. Wear what you want. Take holiday when you want as long as you give a week’s notice and think through the implications for your projects. Tell us what you want from the company: training, development, projects. You help the company achieve its goals and it helps you achieve yours.

Identity (Who we are)

We are true to ourselves, we are passionate and we strive for:


Attention to detail tells us that people take pride in their work and care about the result.


We push things forward relentlessly and with focus on clearly-defined goals. We cannot please everyone and should not try.

Lack of ego

We are not interested in which member of the team is right or wrong about something initially, only that the team gets to the right answer in the end.