🚦W A R N I N G

The cryptocurrency space @ runs 24/7. It's probably the riskiest thing you can hold in your portfolio. If you can not stomach a 50% drop in value, please start by cost-averaging and do your research first.

In general: please have an emergency fund. Never invest more than what you can afford to lose!

Note: the space is ever-changing. Please double-check if any dapps mentioned below have been exploited or are still functioning properly.


👋 Helpful referral links

By "helpful," these all have some discount/perk for you. I earn a small commission if you choose to sign up!

Refferal links

1️⃣ Part 1: Crypto fundamentals for beginners

If you're not going to read anything else, at least read this. What is Bitcoin?

Why Bitcoin is the Most Accessible Asymmetric Bet in History

Fundamentals of crypto: they're trustless, immutable, and decentralized. What does that even mean? https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/cryptocurrency-basics-3-key-characteristics-and-why-they-matter-7348242abe18

What is Ethereum https://medium.com/hello-fetch/what-is-ethereum-17cf35c0cf18

What are ERC-20 tokens (there's a lot of tokens that can be stored on an Ethereum compatible wallet!) https://support.blockchain.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027491872-What-is-an-ERC20-token-

What is Decentralized Finance (this mostly runs on ETH) https://blog.coinbase.com/a-beginners-guide-to-decentralized-finance-defi-574c68ff43c4