Learn about the credit system through trivia and set credit goals.

What we cover:

  1. What is credit used for?
  2. Which are your credit goals?
  3. How will you hold yourself accountable?
  4. Why are these goals important to you?

"I think it's so important to think of credit care as self-care. I'm a little further along the credit journey than some other people and I'm so excited to help others start this journey." - Sequin Woman


Offline materials available here:

Sequin - Credit Goal Setting.pdf

📝 Sequin - Credit Goal Setting Worksheet

Next lesson: Credit and Relationships

More About Sequin 💳

Sequin is on a mission to get women the credit we deserve for all of our lives' financial needs. We're also a community of empowered financial feminists who support each other through any and all financial questions.

We'd love for you to be involved!

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