
Creator contests, largely inspired by prophouse, are an initiative in incentivizing community creatives, builders, and artists with retroactive rewards. Every 1-2 weeks, SharkDAO will run a contest in which participants will compete for ETH / ERC-20 / ERC-721 rewards. Whereas prophouse is designed to award grants for standalone projects, creator contests serve as a means to retroactively reward members for smaller contributions which are internal to SharkDAO and NounsDAO.


Example Use Case

  1. SharkDAO creates a contest with a duration of 1 week and a reward pool of 100,000 $SHARK. SharkDAO defines winners as the 3 submissions that receive the most votes. 60% goes to 1st place, 30% to 2nd, and 10% to 3rd.
  2. SharkDAO creates prompts for the contest. Examples of possibly interesting prompts include novel nounish artwork, Nouns lore, jokes, memes, development work, etc.
  3. SharkDAO starts the contest.
  4. Submittors visit the contest and post their submissions to prompts.
  5. Submission period ends.
  6. Voting period begins.