Podcasts enable you to create informative audio recordings and distribute those on a plethora of channels such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and many more.

In general it works like this:

  1. You record yourself and/or an interviewee
  2. You edit the audio file
  3. You upload the audio file to a hosting service
  4. You distribute the audio file via the hosting service

The great thing about podcasts is that they are relatively easy to produce, and can have a high impact on the engagement you can have with the engineering community. You can for example start simple, and increase the production value whilst you go along. You can ofcourse also choose to directly begin with a high production podcast, and use a specialized company to support you with that.

The main podcasts we’ve seen technology companies make to reach engineers have the following topics:

Promoting your podcast

Once you have uploaded your engineering podcast to your hosting company, you are ready to promote it. There are many ways to do this. In general we see these options: