1. Conditional procedures need an extra step where the “conditional” checkbox must be checked and a JSON file corresponding to the expected user flow should be uploaded against the procedure, so that the app ca show the user information accordingly.

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  2. Each procedure consists of one or more instruction. (A procedure forms the basis of the SOP you wish to create)

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  1. Each instruction, in turn, consists of one or more steps.

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  1. You can also associate media (3D object, image, video, PDF) with a step. These are downloaded and viewed on the app, when you download a job that needs to be performed.

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  1. Make sure you publish the procedure. Once a procedure is published, you will not be able to edit the procedure. You can only clone this procedure and then edit it if required.
  2. If you wish to understand how conditional SOPs can be created, please contact Imaginate personnel and requisite documentation will be shared with you.