This is a project that I created for a company called YesBroadway. The reason I chose these projects is that I wanted to give a clearer image of what YesBroadway does and who they are. I also wanted to expand on YesBroadway's marketing and branding capabilities.


YesBroadways is a company whose main purpose is to give theatergoers the best experience possible. They help you get a good idea of what shows will excite you and which ones will be snoozefests. YesBroadway has also integrated social media and influencer marketing back in 2018.

Creating the landing page

If you'd rather watch instead of reading.

If YesBroadway sounds pretty cool to you, I have to agree. The problem is that I had no idea what they did until I really analyzed each word on the YesBroadway about us page.

I wanted everyone to know what the purpose of YesBroadway was so I created a new landing page for the company.

**Original landing page. (Link attached)**

**Original landing page. (Link attached)**

The process

I used Wix to create YesBroadway's landing page. The reason I used a website builder instead of a landing page creator, such as MailChimp, is because I wanted to give the page as much potential as possible. I feel like this page could potentially be the basis to create a whole new website. I didn’t want to limit the possibilities.

While creating the landing page I wanted to give it an artistic feel while still incorporating the original page's colors, fonts, and styles. My main purpose however was to give the viewers knowledge of what YesBroadway is and what they do.