Workflow Basics

Workflows are automated decision logic flows, that can power customer risk decisions for onboarding, ongoing monitoring, fraud checks, credit, and more. You can customize the input fields, rules, data, and responses for each Workflow to meet the needs of your product.

Each workflow is composed of:

  1. API Call - called from your fintech product, this triggers the workflow to execute and return an automated decision outcome
  2. Ruleset - configureable logic block, supporting if/then rules and decision tables
  3. Internal Data Lookup - connectors to internal datasources (databases, CRM systems, etc) to add additional fields that can be used for rules
  4. External Data Connector - managed calls out to external datasources (vendors, 3rd party APIs), with straightforward matching logic. Responses from these external sources can be used as additional fields for rules
  5. Final Action - the response is communicated back to your fintech product. You can also configure webhooks here to keep other tools in sync with your workflow

Creating your first Workflow

Select the Workflows tab from the sidebar, and click Create New Workflow. Give your workflow a name and click Create

Your new workflow will be created, and a new API will be generated to call from your fintech product. On this next screen, we can edit the input fields that this new API will expect. We can always edit these later, so for now, just click Submit

Now let's take a look at the Workflow Builder to get oriented

The top bar lets you switch between workflows, control your zoom level, and enable edit mode (more on that later).

The middle grey section of the screen is the graph, which shows the logic blocks in this workflow from their start on the left (API Call) to the Final Action on the right.

The bottom section is the details pane, which will change based on what you select on the workflow graph.

Lets add a new ruleset with some simple logic, that will help us screen out some customers during the sign-up process for our fintech app. Click the Edit button in the top bar, to enable edit mode, and then drag a Ruleset onto the graph after the initial API Call block.