How to create user groups to manage access and permissions simply.

Leeway allows you to create user groups to manage access and permissions more easily.

To do so, click on the name of your company at the top of the left menu as shown in the image below:

1️⃣ Click on "Workspace Settings":

2️⃣ Then click on the "Groups" tab.

3️⃣ Then click on the "Create a group" button (top right) which will open the editing panel visible below and fill in the required information:

Click on "Create a group" and you are done.

To edit a group, simply click on a group and the edit panel will open with the same information as when you created it. You have the ability to add or remove members to the group whenever you want.

💡 If you want to add a user to multiple groups quickly click on it in the "Members" tab and choose the groups in question.