Before creating a DROP, please read What is DROP?

DROP Creator

Click 👇 to create a DROP

drizzle | token distribution tool

Basic Information

Fill in the Banner, Name, Description and Official Link. Only Name is required. Please note that the size of banner should not be larger than 500 KB. The banner image will be stored in your account, and the storage capacity of your account is determined by the FLOW you hold, so make sure your account has enough FLOW in it(to store a 500KB image, ~0.005 FLOW is needed).


Time Limit

Set the Time Limit(Optional). Start time and end time are optional.

All the eligible users must claim their rewards in the time range.



Select the Fungible Token you want to distribute:



Choose the Eligibility Verifier. Eligibility Verifier is used to check the eligibility of the claimers. Only those users who pass the verification are eligible to claim the DROP.


There are four verifiers for DROP now: