by Alberto Arenaza, from Transcend Network

One of the largest and most popular edtech unicorns is going public – it's time we dive deep into the Coursera S-1, their learning product, GTM and future potential.

Full S-1 document here.

I. Background

Coursera was founded in 2012 by Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng, and has gone through a significant transformations since starting as an advocate for the MOOC movement, to building a comprehensive stack of learning pathways today.

"Our mission is to provide universal access to world-class learning so that anyone, anywhere has the power to transform their life through learning."

Coursera is a B-Corp based in Mountain View and is led by Jeff Maggioncalda (CEO).

II. Product

Coursera is learning platform that has 4 main product lines:

  1. Coursera for Individuals (B2C)
  2. Coursera for Business (B2B)
  3. Coursera for Campus (B2B)
  4. Cousera for Governments (B2B)

The general public may be most familiar with their consumer product given their original MOOC product was very popular, but Coursera has built out the other product lines in the last five years that could even represent a majority of revenue in the coming years. ClassCentral analyzed Coursera's product and monetization timeline since they were founded, which shows their shift towards a broader learning catalog and platform, and away from the MOOC.

  1. Coursera for Individuals