I'm a maker. I love electronics, mechanics, computer programming, robotics and storytelling. My research has three purposes: to make, to learn, and to share.

My day-to-day work as a consultant allows me to work on a variety of teams on a variety of projects and I share my personal thoughts about that work on my blog.

Here, I write archival/contemporaneous notes that may or may not lead to a finished output. It's a place to organize my project notes, ideas, and observations, while also documenting my research, resources, and explorations.

Pages may be reorganized/updated spontaneously


What's on my bench.

My latest project, Prism, was borne out of an intrigue for modern science fiction and a desire to discover the ESP32 SoC.

Admittedly, I'm not a sci-fi fan like others sci-fi fans: I can't name authors or trace the lineage of motifs across the genre, but I am deeply pulled towards the worlds that science fiction authors, directors, and designers create.


Prism is a group of prototypes to explore building IoT devices with unique interfaces


Pilot is a design for an IoT digital gravity and temperature monitor (hydrometer) for home brewing apple cider, et. al.


The goal of this project is to implement a feature-light ORM in Ruby, modeled after the Active Record pattern and inspired by Gregory Brown’s Broken Record project.


Bobby is a mobile-first Rails app that uses New York City's real-time bus tracking API to tell users when the bus will arrive at their stop.


Initial steps I’ve taken into the fray of building a markdown to HTML compiler in Ruby.


Work pages for specific projects and drafts of reference material.

A list of research materials, parts, components, and supplies.