The cotton data model is an open-source data model used in personal data clouds, in the Prifina platform. This data model can be viewed diagrammatically in FigJam, and programmatically in Github (with the .graphql file).

Why ‘Cotton‘?

A cotton ball looks like a mini cloud that can represent the personal data clouds of the user. If a cotton ball is inspected under a microscope, it appears to consist of many interweaving fibers that can represent a network within the personal data cloud. This cloud data model can be visualized in the same way, i.e. zoomed out the cloud looks like an enormous blob, while the user can zoom in to show all the connections between their data sources.

How can you benefit from the Cotton data model?

The cotton data model is the model that we use for our system (core) applications. We use this data model to save the data of our users inside the user’s cloud so that this data can then be applied to different applications. As an application builder, you might want to save some data generated by your application upon our user’s cloud in a reusable format so that other applications by other developers can use the same. Equally, you can use attributes and data in such way saved by other applications. In order to save the data generated by your applications, you will have to add the data attributes/objects that you will generate in our cotton data model.

Contribute or request additions

We welcome contributions and forks to this data model, and look forward to seeing what developers build in our Liberty. Equality. Data. Slack channel. If your application needs reusable objects or attributes to be supported, you can request additions.

Contents of the Cotton data model?

Included Data Objects in the Cotton Data Model:

Contribute or request additions via Github

Propose new Changes

  1. Open Github Repo
  2. Click on Issues
  3. Click New Issue
  4. Add the 'enhancement' label to the Issue
  5. Type Proposed Changes as a Comment
  6. Give the issue an appropriate name
  7. Click Submit new Issue

Edit the Schema to include Changes

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Clone the newly forked Project git clone REPLACE-WITH-URL
  3. Make as many changes as you desire to the .graphql
  4. Add your changes git add *
  5. Commit your changes git commit -m "Commit Title"
  6. Push Commit to Original Repo git push origin main
  7. Open a Pull Request
  8. Comment and Title Accordingly to the changes made

Contribute or request additions via FigJam

Edit the Schema to include changes

  1. Open FigJam
  2. Click on "Add Comment" or press "C"
  3. Click on the relevant data object/area where you want changes to be made
  4. Type comments
  5. Click 'Submit' or hit 'Enter'