1. You're just brute forcing it — find the best way to learn the specific skill. Example me learning the guitar.
  2. You're not being consistent. 5 minutes a day beats the hell out of 2 hours every month.
  3. You're learning alone — find a friend learning the same things. Go online, find a community interested in whatever you want to learn and learn alongside them. If you want to learn how to live better — join my community. I'd love to talk to you!
  4. You're not being curious. Don't just learn the things you NEED, learn everything about everything. The more practice you get on LEARNING, the faster you will be learning the things you care about.
  5. You're not saying "no". How many things have you decided to do? On how many of them did you spend more than 1 hour? And how many of those are actually complete now?