Coordinape is a tool operated by Balancer Maxis (SP) to distribute 4,000 BAL each month for community contributor rewards. Every contributor participates in the same contribution circle, signing up for the Coordinape round at the end of the month and allocating GIVE tokens to their fellow contributors.

The GIVE amounts are collected and converted to percentages, which are then used to allocate the BAL tokens for the round to each contributor

<aside> 💡 (i.e.) if you receive 1% of all GIVE allocated, you are rewarded with 1% of 4K BAL, 40 BAL).


Coordinape compensates community members for the work they have put in the Balancer ecosystem, but the main goal is to encourage contributors to contribute, retaining valuable talents in our community.

Coordinape FAQ

Eligibility criteria:

Coordinape participation is exclusive to fully onboarded Ballers, as well as contributors taking part of the onboarding process. To qualify on each epoch to receive GIVEs, the contributor will likely meet one (or more) of the following criteria:

To qualify to send GIVEs, or self opt-out (send, but not receive), the contributor presents him/herself during that month as a:

Who will be disqualified: