by Anton Tatarynovich | LinkedIn | Twitter | Email 📄 Download PDF version

2218 words

So you've written an article. It's evergreen, valuable and clearly articulates your brand message. Now let's make sure everybody sees it — in 20 different ways.

First, let's scream about your work as loud as possible, starting with written content ✏️:

Quick tip: add a newsletter sign up form to the page. This way you'll be able to convert some anonymous readers into email subscribers. Slowly but surely you'll build an email list — an extremely effective distribution channel which you truly own. More on email later.

Don't forget to include the link to your original blogpost.

<aside> 💡 Quick tip: **Medium import tool works best with Wordpress-based blogs, where the article is properly formatted into H1, H2, body text, quotes and pictures. So make sure that your original article is properly formatted. Check this tutorial to learn formatting on Wordpress.


Add 2-3 relevant hashtags and tag an influencer if that's appropriate: when the tweet & content are helpful and contextualized, you increase chances for getting retweeted. This will put your content on a radar for influencers and their following.

Find relevant Facebook groups and share your text there. Be professional - don't just post a link into the feed. Look for relevant questions and answer them with findings from your blog post - and attach a link for people to learn more.

Also, post a link to your blog post directly into the feed, but again — contextualize it with why you decided to share it, what's the value provided and what people will know after reading your text.

<aside> 💡 Don't forget to add 1-3 relevant hashtags and tag a few important people if that's appropriate. Finally, add a link to the original text.


Breathe in, breathe out. We've done a great job already — shared your blog post as a long read and on social. Let's add awareness through communities 🧑‍💻:

Make the next step and engage in discussions under others' posts. Leave a meaningful comment or answer a question in-depth. At the end of your answer add a link to your original blogpost — no one would consider that pushy if you've truly helped in the first place.

Before sharing your post there, spend some time understanding the context of the community: check for community guidelines and understand which types of posts are most welcome.

Then, share your post in a similar fashion to Reddit: contextualize, provide real value and don't forget about the link.