Read the Judd Legum Article here.

Florida politicians behind "Don't Say Gay" bill backed by corporations that claim to support LGBTQ rights

To quote the first paragraph:

“A bill advancing rapidly through the Florida legislature would prohibit many of the state's teachers from discussing "sexual orientation or gender identity" in class. Under the legislation, also known as the "Don't Say Gay" bill, parents who believe the prohibition was violated could sue schools for damages. The politicians pushing the bill, a group that includes Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), are backed financially by major corporations that claim to be champions of LGBTQ rights.”


BELOW is a suggested all-purpose LETTER that you can modify and use. Cut & paste directly into an email using the provided executives’ email addresses. Personalize by adding $$$ amounts, name of company, and a personal detail. THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Also post your letter to Facebook and/or Tweet by clicking on ****the word Facebook or Twitter in the ELECTRONIC COMM column.

SUGGESTED LETTER or EMAIL (scroll down for corporate contact info):

I was deeply disappointed to learn from Popular Information and other news sources that ____, depsite making public avowals of their support of the LGBTQ community, has recently given $ to the lawmakers supporting Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. While your words say one thing, then, your donations are saying quite another.

[Insert personal reason for caring about LGBTQ people here]

Should the bill become law, younger students with same-sex parents could be prohibited from discussing their family in class. It would make it difficult for teachers to discuss the Stonewall Riots or Supreme Court cases like Obergefell v. Hodges.  Its passage is likely to chill any discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity throughout the Florida K-12 educational system. This is horrific.

I can’t continue to support companies who don’t ACTIVELY support our LGBTQ communities. Therefore I will be doing all I can to avoid supporting your company—and will also share this information as widely as I can—until you make a pledge to cease supporting politicians who are doing active harm to LGBTQ kids.

Thank you.