
In the NDC, constellations play a crucial role in facilitating specific focus areas, whether technology, community building, education, or other aspects vital to the ecosystem's growth. Each constellation, therefore, needs to operate with a clear set of goals, a comprehensive plan for achieving those goals, and a detailed budget for funding its operations.

This document provides a detailed guide on how constellations can develop budgets and craft proposals to submit to the House of Merit for funding approval. It ensures that all constellations align their initiatives with the broader objectives of the NEAR Ecosystem and that the allocation of funds is done effectively, transparently, and accountably. By adhering to this process, constellations can effectively articulate their value proposition and justify their funding requirements.

Read on to understand each step of this process, from identifying costs and allocating the budget to developing the proposal, finding sponsors in the House of Merit, and finally, packaging and submitting the proposal. Following this structured approach will help constellations to successfully secure funding and contribute to the success and growth of the NEAR Ecosystem.


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Step 1: Identifying and Estimating Costs

Step 2: Allocating Budget

Step 3: Justification of Costs

Step 4: Compiling the Budget