Setting up the Floq Slack app is super simple and allows you to onboard the entire team with just a few clicks. Just follow these steps:

1. Set up a Floq organization

If you haven't done this already, please set up an account and organization for Floq.

If needed, find help here: Setup an organization (in just 2 minutes)

2. Add the Floq app in the workspace settings

As an administrator you can go to your workplace settings and add the Slack app within the "Integrations" tab.

Add Floq to Slack

Add Floq to Slack

3. Give Floq permission to access your Slack workspace

In order to work, Floq needs access to your workspace. Find more information about what permissions you are granting Floq exactly here.

Give Floq permission to access your Slack workspace

Give Floq permission to access your Slack workspace

4. Floq will confirm the installation

Once Floq has been installed successfully it will send you a notification in the Notification section of the app.

<aside> 💡 Floq will also notify your colleagues. The app will be automatically installed for your entire team who will also receive a notification.


5. That's it! 🤩 Now everyone can start booking directly through Slack

Now, everyone in the workspace can directly start booking into an office. No matter if they already signed into the Floq web app yet or not not. Only if they want to set Automations, book further into the future, or search colleagues a web app account is required.

<aside> ‼️ There might be people in your workspace who shouldn't have or don't want access to Floq. In this case, admins can deactivate their accounts in the workspace settings in the web app.


If something doesn't work please contact support.