Product Overview


Cade Connary loves to attend conferences. He attends 2-4 conferences per year and is constantly meeting new people. It seems every smaller conference he attends meant for networking and getting to know new people ends up creating its own slack community specifically for the conference, then shutting it down afterwards. These smaller conferences also use an app like to show a more clear picture than an avatar so that people know who they are meeting, as well as some associated profile data (links to social profiles and websites etc)

Cade is an introvert and not always comfortable in new social situations. He finds it uncomfortable and unsure of how to ask to stay in contact with someone at a conference. Twitter? Phone number (could send the wrong message)? Linked In(a lot of people hate on linked in)? Facebook? Which of these platforms do they even use?


<aside> 😩 It's difficult to remember when, where and how you met someone.

There isn't a simple clean, clear, focused product to just exchange contact information and get/save the context of the meeting



<aside> 🚀 To make the social and connecting aspect of events effortless, seamless and fun to do. To give courage and ability to less outgoing people to connect and network more comfortably. To unify the social and personal networking aspect of events and put that in the hands of participants instead of vendors. To make it easy to remember when, where, and why you connected with someone.


