<aside> 💡 This is a collection of my learning resources on Computer Graphics (and related subjects like Deep Learning). This list will be updated continuously.


Table of Content

To Learn Basic Knowledge

Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics and Imaging given by UC, Berkeley: If you start from scratch like me and long for a quality course covering Computer Graphics and Imaging aspects, it is a good choice.

Computer Graphics given by CMU.

Deep Learning

Dive into Deep Learning: Recommend for novices since it is an interactive deep learning book with code, math, and discussions.

(如果你倾向于用中文阅读,http://zh.d2l.ai 将会是你当前能找到的最通俗易懂的深度学习课程之一)

Paper Collection / Resources

Geometric Deep Learning: This website represents a collection of materials in the field of Geometric Deep Learning. They collect workshops, tutorials, publications and code, that several different researchers has produced in the last years.

Ke-Sen Huang’s Home Page: Dr. Ke-Sen Huang’s personal collection on CG/CV resources, including papers, courses, posters, and some conferences’ observed acceptance rates.


Libraries / Packages

3D Shape Visualization