TL;DR: Building Baselime is a complex tech challenge. Here's why!

Here are just a some of the reasons why building Baselime is so complex:

Hypergrowth to millions of events

We’re ingesting millions of events from the cloud architecture of our ever-growing number of customers. Making sure that we reliably ingest all this data and allow our users to get answers from such large datasets in milliseconds is a huge architectural challenge.

Highest performance requirements

When do developers need their observability solution to work best? All the time, because it’s their last defense against prorogued downtime and poor user experience. Baselime needs to be always up and running and a few milliseconds in performance make a huge difference in the lives of our customers.

Outstanding developer experience

It’s not a secret that building for developers is particularly hard, and with Baselime we’re pushing the envelope of what an observability solution can do. From our browser experience to the CLI and all the integrations, we’re redefining observability for cloud-native systems.

Building our own Data Layer

We started with a single cluster ingesting all the events from our users but quickly we had to upgrade to a custom-made solution. We’re standing on the shoulder of giants from both open-source and proprietary solutions, and we’re using our creativity to craft a solution that works best for our needs.