Complex concept: how BERT works

Related concepts that are currently well understood:
1) The concept of a neural network.
2) The concept of a recurrent neural network.

Concepts that should be learnt before approaching the complex concept:
1) The concept of LSTM networks.
2) The conept of Bi-drectional LSTMs
3) The concept of an encoder-decoder network
4) The concept of the attention mechanism
5) The concept of a transformer network


Complex concept: how pix2pix works

Related concepts that are currently well understood:
1) The concept of a neural network

Concepts that should be learnt before approaching the complex concept:
2) The concept of a convolutional neural network.
3) The concept of a generative adversarial network.
4) The concept of a conditional GAN.
5) The concept of a CycleGAN.
6) The concept of a pix2pix implementation.