
This is the all in one guide you need to understand and ace any technical interview. It covers all the outlying principles which you need to stand out as a special candidate, along with your coding skills (which you get from Here’s a list of what all this guide covers:

Reading through the entire guide can be helpful if you are unsure of what you need to do or change and can help you figure out what to do. Throughout the document there are helpful links to free websites that we personally like to use for help with the process.

Understanding the Process

Understanding the application process pipeline is a huge part of having successful interviews — after all, it is impossible to do well in an interview if you don’t even make it to that step.*6fiRYStpsQCSTzh1

HR Statistics

The diagram shows the step by step pipeline of how an application goes to an offer for most CS applicants. Of course some systems are different, but most generally follow this pattern.

Do some research on LeetCode, Jumpstart, Reddit, or Glassdoor about how a company’s interview process works. For instance some interview pipelines might go something like: application, ATS, coding challenge 1, coding challenge 2, coding challenge 3, technical interview, offer.

However other processes might not even have a coding challenge and may go straight into an interview (this sometimes happens if your resume particularly stood out, the company just doesn’t do challenges, the company uses tools/skills they don’t expect you to already know, or you had some sort of referral).

Job Materials and the ATS


One of the most common mistakes computer science applicants make with their resumes is underestimating the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) and the importance of tailoring a resume for a specific job.